Gratitude Journal

Gratitude is an emotion. It’s how you feel when you’re thankful for something. Gratitude is also an awareness or recognition. When you express gratitude, you’re acknowledging that there is good in your life, in you, in the world and all around you. Feeling grateful changes how you feel inside.


Over the past ten to twenty years many disciplines have conducted studies on the impact of gratitude. What they’ve found is nothing short of amazing. People who practice gratitude have found:

· Calm your mind.
· They’re happier. It increases feelings of optimism, joy, and satisfaction.
· Have less anxiety and depression.
· It’s good for your health. Studies have shown that a gratitude practice
    strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, and reduces
    symptoms of illness.

· Get more sleep.
· Recover more quickly from challenges and even from traumatic events.
· Have stronger relationships.
· Stronger connections. People feel more connected to their community.

You can achieve all these benefits with your Gratitude Journal.

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