“Creating My Sacred Spa Life at Home.”

Jodi and Dan believe that staying connected to our soul helps us stay connected to all that is. Sometimes, through the busyness of life, it’s easy to feel scattered, overwhelmed, and disconnected from our true self. For this reason, they wanted to create a book that helps others who are feeling this disconnect be able to plug right back in. This book will include easy, practical ways to connect with your soul – things that everyone can do. It’s their hope that when someone picks up this book, they can flip to any page and find a tip that will help them instantly align with their soul and with the universe.
We each have our own definition for the soul, which is wonderful! It’s something that is truly so hard to put into words. If you aren’t quite sure what we mean when we talk about the soul, here is how Jodi recently defined it:
“Our soul is our connection between the spirit world and the physical world. It’s our best self. It’s our loving confidant – our inner cheerleader – our all-knowing, peace-loving, completely present self. It’s our inner voice, our infinite wisdom, our godliness. It’s eternal. It’s our truest essence. It’s who we’ve always been and who we have yet to become. It’s the embodiment of all of our desires and all of our experiences. It’s our blueprint and our possibility. It’s energy – pure, loving, infinite energy. It simply is and will always be. It’s that inner whisper that asks you to dream bigger and trust yourself more and live on purpose. It’s that soft nudge that lovingly pushes you to show up as your true self in the world. It’s the gut feeling that you can’t quite explain but know is real. It’s you. All of you. And all of everything. All wrapped up into one. It’s light. Pure light. It’s love. Pure love.”
Have you been sweeping self-care under the rug? Do you think you don’t have the time or money to devote to yourself or the time to relax? When it comes to self-care and relaxation, I resonate with John Holland’s quote: “Taking the time to relax is my right – my gift to myself and my spirit”.” Creating sacred self-care time is essential for you – both personally and in business. Without YOU, your business cannot survive – let alone thrive.
My Top Ten Ways to Create Sacred Self-Care Time:
- Soaking in a warm bath with Himalayan Salt.
- Diffusing essential oils to raise my energetic vibration. (Joy is my fav!)
- Meditating – connecting with the Creator of All That Is.
- Listening to music with ocean and natures sounds.
- Positive self talk; I love me. I love my body. I am love.
- Focusing on my breath… Breathe, Stop, and Breathe again.
- Connect with Mother Earth: sit on her, hug a tree, or hold a crystal.
- Move – Dance, Swim, Walk, Run, Strength to name a few.
- Connecting with my Guardian Angels and Guides.
- Letting go of the need to be perfect…And So It Is.
Are you ready to add some balance to your life? If so, Sign Up here for Your FREE Audio Series: “Finding Balance: Reclaim Your Time and Live a More Fulfilling Life.”